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Member Event

The Viral Networking Conference

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 to Friday, October 6, 2023

Event Details

Learn Strategies to Get Known, Get Connected, and Get Paid to Make Six-Figures and Beyond! You should attend if...

• You are a coach, speaker, consultant, or service-based entrepreneur that is ready to take your business to the next level. 

• You are frustrated with networking, and you are ready to learn how to network the right way! 

• You are ready to expand your network so that you can get more referrals. 

• You are the best-kept secret for your target market and it's time to get known. 

• You want more connections to a network and community that can help you grow. 

• You are not getting paid the money you know you deserve, and you are ready to grow to six-figures and beyond! 

• You are ready to GO VIRAL and BE SEEN everywhere! At this conference, you will learn how to... 

• Network virtually and in person to make real connections and build relationships that last a lifetime. 

• Create messaging to attract your ideal clients and strategic partners. 

• Create real relationships in your niche/target market so that you're the go-to expert. 

• How to keep your calendar filled with people to talk to WITHOUT doing tons of follow up. 

• Connect with the centers of influence to expand your network virally.

• Use social media to be seen everywhere and go viral. • Use video and other technology tools to expand your network.

• Bonus - Go from being in the audience to being in front of the room with a signature talk that sells. This is the only conference where you will leave with appointments on your calendar, guaranteed! 

For More Information:

Toni Harris Taylor
Owner Network In Action Global Partners (713)387-9273